Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ida B. wells-Barnett

Ida B . Wells vs Lynching

Ida B. Wells was a women who was from Holly Springs, Mississippi. Ida was a fearless anti-lynching crusader, suffragist, women's rights advocate, journalist, and speaker. She had many roles as far being an activist in her time. In In 1884 she was asked by the conductor of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad Company to give up her seat on the train to a white man and move to sit in a area that was already crowded with people the name of the bed on the train was the "Jim Crow". Ida refused and bite one of the white men on the wrist and it basically led to her being threw off the train by another six white men while the other white passengers on the train applauded. As soon as Ida returned to Memphis she hired an attorney to sue the train company. Winning  the local court appeals in the lower level courts in Tennessee  Ida had gained some recognition and her career as a journalist had began to sparkle.

The case was then seen by the white Supreme court which is the highest level and it reversed the lower court's ruling. From there on Ida fought fearlessly for her rights against women and people of color. Sooner then later Ida teamed up with the "Free Speech and Headlight" news paper company ran by  Rev. R. Nightingale who was the pastor of Beale street Baptist church.


In 1892 three of her friends were lynched. Thomas Moss, Calvin McDowell, and Henry Stewart. Ida and her friends were owners of some local grocery stores in which they seemed to be having success. Taking the customers of other white grocery store owners the whites had responded to the issue by attacking the blacks and in result a white was shot by a black store owner. Taken to jail the lynch mob broke into the prison and hung Ida's friends. Ida took her voice and fight for equal rights for women and blacks to other members of the Black community organized a boycott of white owned business to try to stem the terror of lynchings. Her newspaper office was destroyed as a result of the investigative journalism she pursued after the killing of her three friends. She could not return to Memphis, so she moved to Chicago. She however continued her blistering journalistic attacks on Southern injustices, being especially active in investigating and exposing the fraudulent "reasons" given to lynch Black men, which by now had become a current thing that was seen. Ida became one of the first black women to be called on by the legendary NAACP

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Objectification of Black Women's Bodies

What was Russell Simmons reaction to the negative responses to the video? Please summarize Jamilah Lemieux' response. Please summarize Jeff Johnson's response. What have we learned in class about Harriet Tubman that conflicts with the video?


          (A)  Russell's reaction to his video that was released by Def Comedy Jam which is his stand up comedy tape releases that have included some black comedians like Bernie Mac, Martin Lawrence and D.L. Hugely in which some of these acts have stires up controuversy between African American communities he has never toook down any thing he has released, But as for his first impression of the video Russel felt he was actually portraying injustice that 162 years later still happens tremendously. After being called by the NAACP he changed his mind. Jamila lemieux was commenting on Russells video was very much over blown by the video because she already feels that modern day women recieve no respect at all due to things like hip hop and the image of black women on Tv. Jeff johnson another commetator of the video made the point that due to black peaple over the generations not passing on the knowledge of our history as blacks if no action or acountability takes place on the situation it will do nothing but continue. To conclude on what we have learned in classs conflicts with the video in many ways, The video portrayed nothing what Harriet stood for or was ever associated with

 2. Who brought Sarah Bartman to Europe and for what purpose? What happened to Sarah Baartman after her death? What is her nickname and its meaning?
                                                                                                                                                               (A) Sarah Bartman was brung to Europe to be displayed as a "freak" or a "scientific curiousity" by Dr. William Dunlap who was a british ship doctor who was supposed to pay Sarah. Sadly Sarah died at the age of 25,after her death Sarah was plastered with a body cast and displayed along with her brain and genitals in a bottle. Years later nelson mendela fought for her remains to be sent to her home it came in affect on january 2nd 2002. Sarahs nickname was the "Hottentat venus which means a person with cattle who is the goddes of love and romance

3. Why was there an uproar about the Minister of Culture of Sweden? What was the purpose of the cake according to the article?  What are two of the comments below the article? What is your overall opinion of the commentary on the article?

 (A) There was an uproar about the minister of Sweeden because she participated in a racial act which was slicing a black cake with red sponge that was in the shape of a Native American women desighned to highlight the issue of  female genital mutilation

4. What is one similarity between the 2 Chainz Video and the incident with the Minister of Culture of Sweden? What makes the two situations different? Please see the link below for the 2 Chainz Video.

(A) One similarity between the 2 Chainz video and the situation with the minister was that they both had women desighned cakes,as for the difference in the situation one was portraying women in a disrespectful manner by calling them out of there name and wanting them for one reason, on the other hand the minister situation to me was a racial cover up, As for comments on these two acts I feel that the way things are today havent just up and became this way it has happened over a period of time which no one really was trying to make a difference about much in modern day america

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Willi Lynch was a British slave owner who had settled in the west indies.Lynch was invited to the james river bank which is in the virginia colonies, Lynch was invited to the river bank to present some methods he had.The method was so called full proof . Desighned to avoid turmoil in there slave colonies.He claimed his method would have slaves controlled for hundreds maybe thousands of years. Compared to today the Willie Lynch letter has no real similarities because times have changed so rapidly there is no direct or blunt intergration and racism.

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Hurricane Rubin was a middle weight boxer who was incarcerated beacause of an assumption that he killed 3 white males in which peaple seemed to kno he was innocent but the court room said otherwise.During the long term of his triple life sentence it forced him to slowly but surley cut ties with his family. Rubins family couldnt really afford to keep time on the phone and also commecery so the affect of being in prison began to ware down on rubin and pushed the ties of his family away farther and farther