Thursday, September 5, 2013

Willi Lynch was a British slave owner who had settled in the west indies.Lynch was invited to the james river bank which is in the virginia colonies, Lynch was invited to the river bank to present some methods he had.The method was so called full proof . Desighned to avoid turmoil in there slave colonies.He claimed his method would have slaves controlled for hundreds maybe thousands of years. Compared to today the Willie Lynch letter has no real similarities because times have changed so rapidly there is no direct or blunt intergration and racism.

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Hurricane Rubin was a middle weight boxer who was incarcerated beacause of an assumption that he killed 3 white males in which peaple seemed to kno he was innocent but the court room said otherwise.During the long term of his triple life sentence it forced him to slowly but surley cut ties with his family. Rubins family couldnt really afford to keep time on the phone and also commecery so the affect of being in prison began to ware down on rubin and pushed the ties of his family away farther and farther

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