Thursday, November 14, 2013

SNCC IN NASHVILLE                                
 1. What did John Lewis say about the way the students dressed and the manner in which they entered the sit-ins? Why do you think they were so particular? a) John Lewis stated that he and his fellow students entered the sit ins in a orderly fashion and also dressed as if  they were going to church. Reason why i feel the students were so particular was because they wanted to give off an impression of them being well presented people in appearance.

2. How did Black communities support students who protested? a) Black communities supported the Nashville students by simply joining them as they walked with 4 thousand peers down jefferson street.

3. What was the “negro buying power” in 1960? How did the African Americans in Nashville use money to create change? a) The "Negro buying power" was a estimated 50 million dollars spent by African Americans with 10 of that 50 million being spent in dowtown Nashville. African Americans also used spending money as a boycott to change levels of rules and regulations by not spending money in downtown Nashville.

4.   How did boycotters respond to African Americans who tried to shop at white owned stores? What are your thoughts on their methods? a) African Americans boycotters responded to African Americans shopping downtown by not really harming them but tearing bags away from them and threating to stay from downtown. I wouldnt have handled the situation the way the boycotters did but there methods seemed to be neccesary at the time.
5. What is SNCC (pronounced Snick)? How did it start? What was Ella Baker’s advice to the students? Why? a)The SNCC is a group formed by the students called the Student none violent coordinating committie. Ella Bakers had told the students in the organization to stay independent of all mostly adult ran organizations, She saw this as a oppourntunity  to show how important it was for students to set goals and lead direction.

6. What was the purpose of the Freedom Riders? a) The purpose of the freedom riders was for the icc to use the power they had in which to make the state respect and obey laws.

7.How did the mob react to white involvement in the Freedom Riders?  a) The mob reacted to the whites being involved by fire bombing the leading bus in Atlanta leaving 12 riders hospitalized, as for the 2nd bus klansman took over the bus in Birmingham.

8.  How did Dr. King and the First Baptist Church respond to attacks?  a)Dr.King lead a rally in the first baptist church that sunday night with everyone gathering in support of the freedom riders


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