Thursday, October 31, 2013

WWII & Dr. Mary mcleod Bethune

1. What change came about in 1941? (a) The change that came in 1941 was African American cicil rights leaders pushing for balcks in the army to be able to set up all black combat units to see if they can serve the country on the same level as whites

2. Does the term “Double V” mean?  (a) The term "double v " comes from the sucessfull Tuskeegee airman who had never lost a bomber to enemies having this sucess nicknamed V and as for "double v" it comes along with the victory of the enemies at home which to blacks was rasicm, discrimination, jim crow etc.

3. How was the Vietnam War different from World War II?  (a) Differences between the vietnam and WWII was that in the vietnam war blacks did it all. Blacks were generals, leaders, flew airplanes, drove tanks and also blacks nearly had 2.5 million millitary veterans

4. How do you think the pressure of being the first  group of trained Black pilots affected the Tuskegee Airmen?  (a) After reading the article the pressure of being the first group trained as black pilots affected the airman in no negeative way at all. The airman felt they had alot to prove and did so by serving in nearly 200 missions and not loosin a bomber.

The red tails women

1. How did Bethune’s position as the head of the “Negro Section” of the National Youth Administration (NYA) benefit “Red Tails”?  (a) Marys position benefited the red tails because of Mary being the only female member of Roosevelts "black cabinet" and also a close freind with the first lady.

2. How did Willa Beatrice Browns position benefit “Red Tails”?  (a) Willa Beatrice Browns position helped the "Red Tails" because she was one out of a hundred licensed black pilots in the entire country, also she was the first African American women to recieve commision as a lieutinant in the U.S civil air patrol.

3. What highly controversial action did First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt do that led to integration of aviation forces?  (a) The action that led to intergration of avaiation forces was the first lady asking flight instructor Charles A Anderson to take her on a flight which led to her forcing her husband to intergrate the forces.

4.  Why do you think these women have been left out of history? How have the “Red Tails” been perceived in history?   (a) Reason ehy i think these women have been left out is because of the lack of knowledge on black histoey on top of that they were women. but as far as how there remembered it is in a respectful manner.

1. How did Dovey Johnson Roundtree initially meet Dr. Bethune? Dovey initially met Dr.Bethune through the improbable relationship between Doveys grandmother and Dr.Bethune herself.

2.  What was Dr. Bethune’s opinion of military service?   (a) Mary Bethunes opinion on the military service was that she felt that the military service was a way for African Americans to break down walls that had proven to be impenetrable by other means.

3.What was Dr. Bethune’s position on African American inclusion in the war versus First Lady Roosevelt’s?   (a)First lady roosevelts position didnt really have a title but she was just as important as Marys title because she was her first source when wanting to get things done

4.  What was Dr. Bethune’s overall impact on Mrs. Roundtree’s life?  (a) Dr. Bethune basically inspired Ms.Roundtree to walk in her footsteps as far as her being involved and being an activist for African Americans.

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