Thursday, October 17, 2013

Greeen & Rose Wood



1) What were the two distinctions about Greenwood that may have made its neighbors envious?   A) The two distinctions about the nothern black part of Tulsa and the whites area that made them envious seemed to be the supurier education system for black kids, I also think the many luxuries of Greenwood like the banks, theaters, hotels etc.

2) Based on what we have learned about Africa why do you think Greenwood was nicknamed “Little Africa”?   A) Based on what we  have learned about Africa I can say that Greenwood was named little Africa because of the flourishing communitee and the thriving of the oil  and as for africa them having gold and the iron technology.

3) Although we have not learned about Wall Street why do you think Greenwood was called “Black Wall Street?” Is there another place today in the United States that could possibly be nicknamed “Black Wall Street?”   A) Even though we have not learned about Black wall street I think it was given that nickname because of the billion dollar industry in NY, I also researched thhriving communities in the US and found none.

4) How did the National Guard respond to the massacre?  A) The way the National Guard responded to the massacare was by them arresting 6,000 Blacks whom were only released if vouched for by a white citizen or employer

5) How did the interviewees remember the Greenwood community before the massacre?  A) The interviewees remembered the Greenwood community before the massacare as a black buisness communitty built on there own earnings."It became a place to make money and if you wanted to put up a buisness it was the place to go" said by George Monroe

6)  What was the name of the man who “assaulted” the white woman? How does this lynching compare to the others we have read about?  A) Dick Roland was the black man who so called assualted the white women. Being held downtown for court Roland was announced to be lynched published by the Tulsa Tribune, Tens of thousands of whites gathered downtown to watch. What was different about this lynching was the group of World War One vetereans who tried and defended Dick Roland

7) What did the interviewees remember the actual day of the massacre? The interviewees had remembered many dreadful things some remember coversations with loved ones beleiving that they were going to die others remember seeing nothing but smoke feeling the streets of northern Tulsa

Rosewood, Florida

 8) What do you think it took so many years to “uncover” Rosewood? A) The reason i beleive  it took so long to uncover rosewood was simple I feel it is simply the lack of knowledge on African American history

9) How did Ms. Minnie Lee remember the Rosewood Massacre? A) Ms. Lee had remembered the massacare as a frieighting and truamatizing memory of a blazing fire over the whole community also she remembered whites making her grand dad dig his own grave and shooting him in it

 10) What incident caused the massacre? A) The incident causing the Rosewood massacare was the wife of  a white saw mill worker named James Taylor  claiming to be raped . Edith Foster remembers white men gathering into a mob seeking revenge

11) According to Mr. Fred Kirklin how many man joined the mob? What did they do to those running out of houses? A) According to Fred Kirkland the mob had grew from 100 to 1000-1500 whites coming fro every direction, for those blacks whom were running out of the house they were shot by the whites soon as in site

12) How was John Wright remembered? Who was he? A) John Wright was a white general store owner who had opened his house up to some blacks running away from the mob in Rosewood he also managed to send a message to a train conductor and told him to ride through to help blacks escape

13) Why do you think Ms. Minnie Lee never told her family about Rosewood?  A) The reason i beleive Ms.Lee had not told any one abaout her Rosewood Expierience was because she didnt want to speak on something that would be fairly unbelievable to some one of my generation

14) How did the Greenwood community respond to the massacre? How do you think they were able to find the strength to move forward? A) The Greenwood community  responded to the massacare by making thier community thrive again with black owned buisnesses by 1925. To make this happen they basically cdid the same as before with combining earnings to build again

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