Thursday, October 31, 2013

Garvey & The U.N.I.A.

1.  Who are some people Marcus Garvey influenced? (a) Marcus Garvey had the ability to influence great people of high caliber during times of civil rights people like Martin Luther king, Malcom X and also Nelson Mandela.

2. What were some of the ideals of the U.N.I.A.?  (a) Some ideals of the U.N.I.A were to have blacks gain a sense of patriotism for our motherland of Africa. The U.N.I.A also was important for self praise as for us being black
3. What was the Black Star Line?  (a) The black star line shipping company was launched along with the factory organization, The black star line was made to ship African Americans back to Africa.
4. Why do you think Garvey would support white supremacist’s who wanted Blacks to return to Africa?  (a) With information from the article i would say that Garvey supported the supremisicst as a mock of sarcasm because he basically wanted to do the same thing which was send blacks back home. 

  Harlem 1900-1940

6. In reading the intro about the “Capital of the Negro World” a.k.a. Harlem, what are some of the major similarities and differences between the Harlem and “Black Wall Street”?  (a) Comparing Black wall street to the harlem world of 1900-1940 is very easy with them both being communities flooded with blacks they made there  cities flourish due to store owners, funeral directors and all sorts of other black owned buisnesses. A big difference between the two was the amount of money black wall street had due to the oil production
 7. (From “UNIA Parade Organized in Harlem, 1924) What was the Negro World? How were the Garvey Movement/UNIA similar to the NAACP? Please use the internet to find two quotes by Marcus Garvey and explain each.  (a) In the years of 1900-1940 in the manhattan area there was a thriving black community which came along to be called the new negro world. The things the Garvey movement and the NAACP have in common is there will and want to inspire blacks to have a sense of pride and sense of knowledge about the history of being black
8. From (The Silent Protest) What was the role of children in the march? What did their banners read? Why do you think children would want to be involved in the protest?  (a) In the silent protest the role of the children was for them to perform a protest were no words were said, but the children were holding banners reading the phrases some saying "mommy do lynchers go to heaven" , "Mr.President why not make America a safe democracy. I also feel the children took place in the protest becase some were actually loosing there fathers to lynchings some kids might have also seen some lynchings happen.
9. m (Jack (John Arthur) Johnson) What was the mentioned similarity between Jack Johnson and Muhammed Ali? What does the article say the “great white hope” was? After boxing what did Johnson do in Harlem?  (a) The mentioned similarity between Muhhamad Ali and Jack Johson was that they both 50 years later beat the white boxer Tommy Burns while dancing around the ring taunting him. As for the great white hope this was a boxer brung along by whites to beat Jack Johnson as if the boxer was the last chance to get the championship back with the whites. After 47 years of boxing Jack Johnson became a connoisseur of the harlem night life opening a club on 142nd street,selling stocks and also working in movies.
10. From (New York Black Yankees) What years did the New York Black Yankee’s play? Where was the team founded? How did the team seem to handle their hectic schedule (according to the article)? Although Bill “Bojangles” Robinson was a financier of the team what is he best known for?  (a) Founded by famous black historian Bojangles Robinson and James "soldier boy" Semlar the New york black yankees played in Paterson, New Jersey from 1939-1945 building a good foundation in New York black yankees recieved a tough schedule with lotts of traveling , it seems like the teams love for one another had gotten them through the schedule sucessfully.


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